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- OkayDokey/Documentation OkayDokey/Documentation
- OkayDokey
- Version 1.4
- Relase date: 19.6.95
- © 1995 Paul Huxham
- Bonusware, all rights reserved.
- OkayDokey should be distributed at no charge to the end user. It may
- be included on CDROMs with no restrictions.
- Attempts to close the specified window requester by inducing key events
- into the input stream (specifically for retry and cancel requesters).
- OkayDokey = This is the program.
- OkayDokey.info = The program icon.
- OkayDokey.autodoc = Documention you are reading now.
- OkayDokey can be called from the shell or Workbench.
- From the shell, OkayDokey supports the following arguments:
- PUBSCREEN is the public screen on which to look for a specific window
- requester. Case sensitive. Defaults to the default public screen
- (usually Workbench). It is also the screen the OkayDokey window will
- open on (unless you are using the CX argument). This argument is
- required for closing a window.
- WINDOW is the title of the window requester to search for. Case
- sensitive. There is no default. This argument is required for
- closing a window.
- TIMER is how many ¼ seconds to wait between window requester searches.
- 4 = 1 second. The default is 2 (½ a second). Making this value too
- low could degrade the performance of Intuition on some machines.
- CANCEL if specified, selects the Cancel gadget of a requester (sends the
- sequence Left Amiga B). When not specified selects the Retry/Ok gadget
- (sends the sequence Left Amiga V).
- ACTIVATE Normally if the specified window is found but not active,
- nothing will happen. Specifiying ACTIVATE will force the window to
- become active and then send the appropriate sequence. This can take up
- to 2 TIMER cycles. If there is more than one window open with the same
- title by using this parameter you can close multiple windows on the
- same screen with the same title.
- COMMODITY This launches OkayDokey as a commodity with the name
- specified. If you are starting a new OkayDokey, no window will be
- opened. Exchange can be used to control the activation and removal of
- this OkayDokey. You may launch more than one OkayDokey as a commodity
- by using different names for them. In Exchanges' requester you can see
- what window title is being searched for. Supplying only this parameter
- when running OkayDokey will remove an OkayDokey with that name (see
- notes).
- QUIET If any errors occur, OkayDokey will not print or display any
- requesters complaining that something went wrong. Default is it be
- noisy.
- QUITAFTER will quit OkayDokey after it sends a command sequence to the
- first window that matches the search arguments. Default is not to quit.
- From the Workbench, OkayDokey supports the following tooltypes:
- These function the same as their shell equivalents.
- A minimum of Kickstart 2.x is required.
- When OkayDokey is launched with the COMMODITY parameter to remove an
- OkayDokey, it can interfere with a commodity if the name specified is
- NOT an OkayDokey. This would have the same effect as running the
- original application again (some programs quit, others pop up their
- interface).
- Spaces in names need to be surrounded with double quote marks.
- Some window names have trailing spaces. These NEED to be included.
- The title bar of the OkayDokey window will have the name of the window
- requester being searched for unless you are running as a commodity in
- which case it appears in Exchange.
- To quit OkayDokey:
- 1) Click the close gadget of the OkayDokey window.
- 2) If a commodity, run OkayDokey again with the same parameters.
- 3) If a commodity, use Exchange or a commodity command program.
- 4) Send the OkayDokey task a break signal.
- To close more than one window or requester, run multiple copies of
- OkayDokey.
- To automatically press the Ok gadget of the KickStart 3.0 WorkBench
- About requester:
- OkayDokey SC=Workbench WI="3.00 ROM " ACTIVATE
- Every ½ second, OkayDokey will search for the requester window titled
- "3.00 ROM " on the Workbench screen and attempt to press the Ok gadget.
- V1.0 Not released.
- V1.2 Initial public release.
- V1.3 Not released.
- * Fixed a bug where if multiple windows of the same name were open
- and ACTIVATE was used, the windows might not have been closed.
- V1.4 Major internal rewrite using my new code skeleton.
- * Added commodity support - the window no longer needs to be open.
- * Improved documentation.
- OkayDokey was written using CED V3.5 and compiled with SAS/C 6.55 on
- an Amiga 4000/040. Enforcer was used to detect and correct programming
- errors.
- None known at present.
- 1) To be able to send a user definable command to the window, instead of
- just a retry or cancel sequence.
- 2) Title string supplied can be a substring of the windows titlebar.
- 3) Locale support.
- Steve Quartly for help with the inducing of events into input.device.
- The users of OkayDokey for providing ideas for improvement.
- You can contact the author via:
- Email:
- paulh@Perth.DIALix.oz.au
- or
- P.O. Box 875
- Morley,
- Perth,
- Western Australia 6943